Our Governors

Chair of Governors

The Chair of Governors, Mags Eames, can be contacted by email at mags.eames@stmarysbrigg.com or by contacting the school office.

Governing Body Responsibilities

The first responsibility of the governing body is to help the Academy fulfil its mission. The mission statement for St Mary’s Academy is to:

  • Contribute successfully to the spiritual development of each individual pupil with particular regards to the Catholic Faith and the preparation of children for the sacraments and their growth in the sacramental life
  • Make prayer, worship and liturgy a valued experience
  • Foster a partnership between the academy, the home and the parish
  • Create good relationships amongst all those children and adults involved with the academy
  • Ensure that the curriculum is appropriate to the needs of the children and is based on the attitudes and values found in the Gospels

The Governing Body has three key roles:

  • To provide a strategic view for the work of the academy
  • To act as a critical friend for the work of the academy
  • To ensure accountability in the work of the academy

Governor Roles

Subject/ Area

Staff Lead

Governor Link

Literacy/ Phonics C Walker J Kelly
Numeracy M Holliday C Bayne
RE J Leech M Eames
Music H Marshall K Robbins
Science H Dodsworth C Bayne
Art R Thew K Robbins
D + T H Bedford K Robbins
History/ Geography F Woodward M Eames
PE M Holliday  K Robbins
Computing A Tock C Bayne
MFL (French) E Coburn C Maguire
EYFS R Thew C Bayne
Safeguarding J Leech L Norton
SEND A McIntyre C Bayne
Pupil Premium J Leech L Norton
LAC J Leech L Norton
Mental Health and Wellbeing A McIntyre J Kelly – L Norton
Health and Safety J Leech C Maguire
Chair of Governor M Eames
Dept Chair of Governor L Norton
GDPR J Leech C Maguire
PSHCE/ RSE A McIntyre  M Eames

Full Name

Date of appointment/ Date they stepped down – Term of Office

Appointing Body

Mrs M Eames 1/10/2023 – 30/09/2027 (2nd term) NRCDES
Mrs L Norton 01/06/2023 – 31/05/2027 (2nd term) NRCDES
Mrs K Robbins 16/09/2021 – 15/09/2025 Elected Parent Governor
Mrs C Maguire 22/10/2021 – 21/10/2025 Elected Parent Governor
Mrs J Kelly 01/06/2021 – 31/05/2025 NRCDES
Mrs C Bayne 18/09/2019 – 31/08/2023 NRCDES
Mr J O’Shaughnessy stepped down October 2022 NRCDES

Register of business and pecuniary interests (including governance roles in other educational institutions):


Governor Attendance Record at Governing Board and Committee Meetings Over Current and Previous Academic Year