Catholic Life


There are many elements which make our Catholic school so special. Here you will find information to help families, the Parish and school work together in supporting the development of our children’s faith and Religious Education.

In Catholic schools, as in any school, Religious Education is taught as an academic subject. However, the whole life of a Catholic School has to be an expression in practice of Catholic belief and Catholic tradition. As they grow, the children are encouraged to put their faith into practice in their own lives.

We encourage children to ask questions about the teachings of Christ and to develop enquiring minds. By working together for the children, parents and teachers make this school a place which we can truly say that ‘We value all children, family and visitors who enter our school’.



We are involved in the community in lots of ways.

Our Year 6 children take an active role in the town’s Remembrance Day Service by reading prayers and poems.

Our choir often visits and sings for residents in local homes.

In school, children work together to support each other. They raise money together to make school trips affordable for everyone.

We collect donations for our local food bank.

The Briars

Our Year 6 visit The Briars every year to work with the Diocesan Youth Service.

Here they spend 3 days on retreat.

Charity Work

We support a range of charities as a school including Mission Together, Shoebox Appeal, CAFOD, Easter Eggs for the ‘Apostleship of the Sea’ and Macmillan.

Prayer Tables

You will find at least one area in each classroom devoted to prayer. Children are encouraged to develop their own prayer spaces by providing scripture and artefacts/icons to display.

Our Chapel

Our Chapel was developed in 2015.  It gives us a special place to be closer to God.