British Values

VE Day Assembly

Class 5 held an assembly to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VE Day. Some songs were sung, some prayers said and we watched the official commemoration ceremony from London.

General Election

The School Council presented the policies of the 3 main parties in assembly and then throughout the day the whole school had the chance to cast their vote using a voting slip and ballot box.

Promoting British Values

The Department for Education have said “Keeping our children safe and ensuring schools prepare them for life in modern Britain could not be more important.” The DfE reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values.” The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated this year (2014).

Schools are therefore required to actively promote and not undermine “British Values” The government has set out its definition of British Values as:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


British Value Statement Evidence Impact
Democracy Democratic values are an explicit part of the ethos in St Mary’s. All adults listen to the views of pupils and value their opinions. Pupils have further opportunity to have their voices heard through our school council and pupil questionnaires. School Council member elections
Head Boy and Girl elections
House Captain elections
Pupil Questionnaires
Pupil Interviews
Teaching and Learning Reviews
Big Question work in Read, Write Inc. Literacy Programme.
Recruitment process schedules
Lesson observations
Circle time
All children have a named adult who they can talk to about any issue which concerns them.
Children have played a part in the recruitment of new teachers and head teacher.
Children can articulate their views using the language of respect ‘I agree with/I don’t agree with…’
Children understand the process of casting votes.
Pupils have a broad general knowledge of, and promote respect for public institutions and service.
Children are given a ‘pupil voice’ and make a positive impact on the direction of the school.
Children understand about taking turns.
Children understand about the importance of accepting responsibility and of their right to be
heard in school.
Children are consulted on many aspects of school
Life and demonstrate independence of thought and action.
Children feel safe and valued.
Rule of Law The importance of laws and rules are consistently reinforced in the classroom, as well as school assemblies. Pupils are taught to understand the need for laws and rules – they are for individual protection, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences of when laws are broken. Pupils follow a positive behaviour policy and clearly understand the rewards and sanctions that are used. Assemblies
PHSCE/Circle time planning
Pupil Interviews
Class reward charts
Verbal praise
School rules are visible around school.
Behaviour in and around school is at least good.
Children know the difference between right and wrong.
Children are able to articulate how and why we need to behave in school and demonstrate they understand and can abide by these.
Children are able to discuss and debate philosophical issues in relation to these – e.g. In Year 6 children can argue for ‘Should animals rule the world?’
Children can talk about reconciliation and forgiveness.
Individual Liberty Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, constantly making choices with a safe supportive environment. The development of self-esteem and self-confidence is very important. Pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms and taught how to use their rights to best effect. All pupils are encouraged to support charities which may be local, national or international. They are taught consideration for others through our Religious Education curriculum and Circle time lessons. E Safety training enables them to make choices in a safe manner.
Through our catholic ethos, children are aware of how to treat people as individuals with dignity and compassion.. We invest heavily in meeting the needs of all of our children, by creating equality of opportunity, by knowing and understanding the needs of all of the children.
Lesson observations.
Internet Safety Day
CAFOD Donations
World Gifts Donations
PHSCE/Circle time planning
Pupil questionnaires
Needs of all pupils are met.
Children are self-confident and are secondary ready when leaving Year 6.
Children have raised money for Macmillan Cancer Charity.
Children have bought ‘World Gifts’ for people in developing countries.
Mutual Respect Everything we do is based on Gospel values, with the important commandment being ‘Love one another as I have loved you’. The ethos of the school aims to constantly promote respect for others and the importance of good manners. All pupils are taught the importance of self-respect, honesty and open communication with others and fair play.

Our PHSCE/Circle time discussions include discussion about the self, e.g. self – respect and self-worth in relation to the individual value so that children see that they are important in their own right. Children are strongly encouraged to develop independence in learning and to think for themselves.
Respect is a school value that is discussed deeply, including, self-respect and covering respect for family, friends, and other groups; the world and its people; and the environment.

Lesson observations especially behaviour and pupil/pupil, pupil/teacher relationships.
Collective Worship
Pupil Surveys
Parent Surveys
Remembrance Day Civic Service
Remembrance Day writing
Year 5 Christmas Performance.
Free flow activities in Early Years.
School Rules.
Children are able to work co-operatively and collaboratively in a range of groups and situations.
Children can articulate why respect is important; how they show respect to others and how they feel about it for themselves.
Children’s behaviour demonstrates their good understanding of this value in action.
Children support each other throughout school for instance older pupils help younger ones at lunchtime.
Children take a responsible role in the Remembrance Day Service and can articulate why we respect
those who sacrifice their life for us in war.
Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs St Mary’s curriculum aims to develop understanding of the world. The RE and PHSCE schemes of work provide opportunities for pupils to develop tolerance and empathy towards those from different faiths, beliefs and cultures.
As a catholic community, pupils are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society.
Different faiths planning.
Work Scrutiny of RE books.
Collective Worship
School Displays
Children are able to talk about the different faiths and cultures they learn about, ask questions and show tolerance and respect for others of different faiths and religions.
Children can identify similarities and differences between different faiths.